Not Living In The Moment
There is a theory that we should all live in the moment. It's a strong one. The future is uncertain and worrying never helps. The past is done and obsessing over it will not change it. Deal with just this moment and appreciate what you have. But sometimes the moment...
A Word On Appreciation
We are taught to be polite. We say please, thank you and bless you when someone sneezes. It's ingrained. This is a good thing. We sometimes are so concerned by being polite we forget to say thank you for things that really matter to us. Thank you for listening...
The Recital
Now, I do not wish to cause any booing or hissing but a child uttering the phrase "and we are having a recital" can cause the heart to sink like few other phrases. You want to be there to see the delight on your child's face as the show their mastery of a new skill in...
Sue Perkins on Desert Island Discs
My husband is a one. He's used to working in an office with a radio playing so can happily work with the tunes blasting out. I am used to open plan law firms. If there's not chatter I feel like I've been put on the naughty step. If there's music, it's dance party...
Solo Dates
During one of the stickier periods of my life I regularly took myself off on a Saturday morning for breakfast and then a trip to the cinema. Those few hours eating alone, reading alone and watching alone kept me afloat through horrendous work pressure and a warped,...
Bedtime Stories
I love children's books. When I give it all up and start my book shop/tea room with the bestie, you'll find me hanging out in the children's section reading to the kids whether they want to hear it or not. You get immediate feedback with kids' books. Boring,...
A Tale of Two Mothers
This is the tale of two very different parenting styles... We took board games on holiday. We were wifi-less and prepared. The Cargers were not in the Brownies for nothing. After Uno, Cluedo (and forever more "White, in the Courtyard, with the rope" will...
Jimmy Malone James
I have a dog. His name is Malone. He is a miniature schnauzer. He is the best dog. I have wanted a dog forever but it was never the right time. Then we got Malone. He's an eejit. He eats bird poo, is scared of bikes, is overly friendly and a gobby boy dog tart...
Summer Sounds
I've been out and about this week which means I've been coming home later than usual. Once you get out of your routine everything changes. The people, the pace, the light. On Wednesday night I got off the train into the truly golden light of sunset. Everyone...
Daniel Radcliffe – rap star
There are somethings that are guaranteed to cheer me up. These are things that I will rave about and try to show you on my phone in a pub with no wifi when I'm squiffy. This is one of them. Daniel Radcliffe rapping Blackalicious 'Alphabet Aerobics' on Jimmy...
Rich Bath, Poor Bath
I like a bath. I like a brew in the bath, with a book. And possibly a podcast. There was a moment when I had a fish finger sandwich in the bath and that was genius. And I am fond of a bath product. It started with a yearning for Matey that was never to be, Avon...
Red lipstick
My first make up purchases were black kohl eyeliner and a 17 lipstick called Simply Red. The look has not changed much. I am usually wearing all of the eyeliner or all of the eyeliner plus red lipstick. I don’t do red balm, stain or gloss. Lipstick, proper stuff and...
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