Part Timer
It is Wednesday 1 November 2017 and I am now officially part-time. Woo hoo! Tuesday is now mini-Friday. I don't work more than two days in a row. Most importantly I have time to myself with no demands on it. My family have been really supportive of my...
Good Things
It's been a week of tiny delights that were toe wigglingly good. DIY After the radiator cover incident, we went to buy paint. I had my heart set on a certain shade but it wasn't available. Rather than sulk we chose B&Q Valspar paint which is mixed to...
Princess Treejump Brings The Fizzy
The post for today will be different from usual. Today the middlest monkey, Princess Treejump, is going to share the things that make her feel the absolute fizziest. Princess Treejump has taken the concept of fizziness to the next level. Everything is measured...
Good Things
A few good things that have given me the fizzy this week. #freeupmyinsta Allison Sadler's Instagram challenge is back! Starting today with prompts chosen by Charlotte Jacklin it's a great way to change your Instagram feed, connect with new people and...
Having A Weekend
This weekend, we had a weekend at Camp Fizzy. A proper one. With rest and everything. On Saturday, the beloved husband did DIY while I went the pub (I missed him terribly). We curled up as a family to watch Strictly. Today, there was a feast for...
Write It Down
Do you ever get in your own way? Those little things you do that make your own life harder. The things you do or don't do that really irritate future you. It can range from pressing the snooze button to leaving things to late. Cramming too many chores into a day that...
Morning Routine
Having a home filled with people is challenging. The noise, clutter and chaos three adults, three monkeys and a mutt create can bring out the worst in people. Everyone needs their own space, likes things done a certain way, has a different rhythm to their day. Trying...
Molehills Out Of Mountains
This is about making the best of a bad situation. As I write this it is 11 pm the evening before the beloved's birthday. I am so tired I had to skip dog training class and the husband has to work. We did our usual "you work/I'll sleep" dance until our...
Who Do You Think You Are?
Who would play you in the story of your life? Not the vanity who would play you in the story of your life (Winona Ryder without a doubt) but the is someone had to embody you on film who would it be? We were dealing with this vital question in work as we...
Retail Therapy
I don't often issue a retail therapy alert but M&S (God bless her and all who sail in her) have 20% off with Sparks this weekend. Their design has got a lot better recently so I walked through the store this morning making squeezing noises of desire. My...
Feeling Sorry For Yourself
Not the fizziest title but stay with me here, I think I'm on to something. I have a cold. It's of the ninja variety. The type that you had no clue was coming and then wham! You are an aching mess of exploding snot. And darned attractive to boot. To make...
Story Time
We are a family of advanced daftness. Tonight we mapped out the journey from the top of Peak Tired, down through the Duvet Valley, towards Pillow Mountain with a slight detour to the chamomile water fall and the lemon drizzle caves. I think I'm going to ask the...
Share some Fizzy!