Dive In

Dive In

It's August, the weather is awful and my Instagram feed is filled with people messing about on flamingo inflatables in pools. Colour me jealous.   When I'm having a bad day, I will search on Zoopla for houses with six bedrooms and a pool in the local area. I...

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A Healthy Fear Of Water Taxis

A Healthy Fear Of Water Taxis

The wanderlust continues with a trip to Venice booked for next March.   I'm already excited but scared that my lack of balance means I will wobble out of a water taxi into a canal making a holy show of myself in the process.   So, there's a plan for Venice....

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I loved Barbara Woodhouse as a kid. Even did an impression her at the Brownie talent show when I was 7. Anyway...   The thing about having a dog (did I mention I have a dog?!) is that they need walking. Honestly, every day, twice a day Malone wants to go out,...

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The art of forward planning

The art of forward planning

There is something to be said for the spontaneous get away. Pack a bag and go. The freedom, the fun, the hell...   I'm a quick decision maker but this woman likes plans. With check lists and a spreadsheet. Colour coded appointments shared with all attendees. The...

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When plans go west

When plans go west

This post should be two posts about a visit to the British Museum to see the Hokusai exhibition and a trip to the V&A for Balenciaga.   And that's when the Universe kicks you up the bum. We were booked, we were excited, we were on the train. We were stuck at...

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Leg It!!!

Leg It!!!

It's important to take a break every now and again. Everyone needs to recharge but getting a week or two away means planning, negotiation and cash. Not always possible with jobs, monkeys, dogs.   Today is the tiny break to London. There and back in 12 hours. Off...

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Winning The War

Winning The War

It was a brilliant weekend. Hot, sunny and not a cloud in the sky.   We took the monkeys to the in-laws to play in the garden and jump through the sprinkler. Then some one armed the little angels. We'd prepared for them getting wet but in a serious misstep, we...

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Norton Priory

Norton Priory

Some days Perkin Flump is your spirit animal.   "The water is too lumpy. The floor is too wet and sloshy. And the porridge is too loud. It's a too much morning."   On days like this you need a day out but on too much mornings that's effort. That's when it...

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A change of perspective

A change of perspective

We've just got back from a week in Anglesey. The weather was distinctly British and the monkeys were at their most demanding. It was certainly not an Enid Blyton style romp.   What it was though, was exactly what I needed. The family together, the dog getting...

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Rock Me Amadeus!

Rock Me Amadeus!

Me and the bestie are off to Vienna in October. I got over excited watching Rick Stein and booked it.   It's EasyJet from Manchester and we are staying in the Hotel Zipser. Apart from cafe culture, Freud, Mozart and sacher-torte I am woefully ignorant so have no...

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God, I love Paris! I would move there in a heartbeat. It makes my pulse race just thinking of it. My beloved husband had never been. This had to be rectified.   As there are three monkeys (children) to look after, it had to be a short jaunt. EasyJet flies direct...

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