Intentions Not Resolutions

Intentions Not Resolutions

It's New Years Ever. That time when people want to know what you resolve to do next year. The definition of resolve is "settle or find a solution to (a problem or contentious matter)". A couple of things strike me about this. First, if you have a problem or...

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Remembering the Christingle services of my childhood. This one carries a nostalgia warning.

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Accept, Enjoy, Enthuse

Accept, Enjoy, Enthuse

Inspiration comes from all sources. While mindlessly scrolling through Instagram I spotted a picture of Jeff Goldblum on the Vanity Fair feed. It's a great picture but the caption said that his daily mantra is "accept, enjoy, enthuse". Well!     What a...

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A New Path

A New Path

There are tiny moments in our days when we get to see who we truly are. These can be moments of glory or despair but you are never prepared for them and they always open you up to whatever is next.     I have been struggling for a while with professional...

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International Day Of The Girl

International Day Of The Girl

Watch this:     It is the UN International Day of the Girl. The video tells you all you need to know about what it's like to be a girl.     I know the scale of the problems in the world can feel overwhelming. I take to my bed more often than I care...

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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day and my social media feeds are full of people opening up about how they deal with their mental health. Sharing stories is one of the most helpful things you can do. Helping anyone feel less alone or understood is such a big deal.  ...

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Plastic Is Not Fantastic

Plastic Is Not Fantastic

As a teenager, The Body Shop taught me to reduce, re-use and recycle.  A good strong early awakening that has stayed with me. Our family are good at recycling due to Lady Cargers skills but as we see the effects of climate change there is more we can do.    ...

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Phenomenal Women

Phenomenal Women

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I have an image in my head of what I will look like as I get older. Future me still has short hair but it is greyer. There are laughter lines, tonnes of mascara and red lipstick. I look at ease. I can see the clothes too. Minimalist,...

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