Santa Baby

Santa Baby

What do you want for Christmas?   I love Christmas, presents and fuss. I have been spoilt rotten at Christmas for years and it’s been brilliant. From Barbies to bubble bath I’ve enjoyed all of it. This year, things are different. I don’t want...
Christmas Burn Out

Christmas Burn Out

This post is your permission slip.     I love Christmas. I love everything about it. Food, presents, decorating, music, time with family. I fizz with joy at the thought of it. The thing is, I’m writing this on the dining table next to a Christmas tree...
Hiding Presents

Hiding Presents

There are two types of people in the world. Those who hunt for their Christmas presents and those who wait for Father Christmas like good little children. I was always a hunter.     As a child, I was a huge pain in the bum. Any bag that came into the house...
Stamp, Stamp, Stamp

Stamp, Stamp, Stamp

When I was a child I, and every other child I knew loved leafing through the catalogue and telling my Mum exactly what I wanted for Christmas. I spent hours lying on the living room floor dreaming of those toys. I never got the A La Carte Kitchen from Bluebird so I...
Christmas Research And Development

Christmas Research And Development

I do not mean to alarm you but it is nearly Christmas. I am so excited I could squeak!     This year we are getting a little more crafty than usual and this weekend we are having a Christmas research and development day. Everyone at Camp Fizzy is getting...
Queen Of Chickens

Queen Of Chickens

There are some ambitions in life that you hold and nurture for a long time. It could be a desire to climb a mountain, run a marathon, pay homage to the King at Graceland. It is something you carry in your soul.     Then there are the ambitions that hit you...