Although All About The Fizzy is a sparkly space, I am not a human magpie. Usually, I tend to keep glitter and sequins to a minimum. This is mainly due to practicality. Glitter gets everywhere and ill-placed sequins can rub against and ruin other clothes. I am ignoring...
I went party frock shopping yesterday. I am a fan of a frock. I am short, blessed in the boob department and have an arse you could serve tea from. Trousers can make me look lumpy. Not the type of lady lumps that you want, more overstuffed and well-loved sofa. A good...
Over the years I have carefully honed my beauty routine so that it is as unfussy as possible but I still look like me. Tonnes of black eyeliner, mascara and lip balm, or red lipstick when I’m making an effort. I love having a minimal kit as it is just the...
I am a child of the 80’s. I lived in ill-advised bodysuits and leggings. I still have the scars. Those poppers were lethal. I have been a legging refusenik every since. As an adult I have a troubled history with pants. I am short and curve so...
I am a lazy woman and I am fine with that. I want huge doe eyes with big fluttery eyelashes that cause a light breeze when you blink. I cannot be bothered applying false eyelashes on a daily basis. Lash extensions are not for me so I rely on mascara. ...
The weather has turned, the heating is on, I can eat mashed potato and it’s seasonally appropriate. Get in! The one downside is that I have really dry skin and it gets worse in cold weather. I am not a woman who can go without body lotion at the...
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