Last year we had a new bathroom fitted. Mum was moving in and our old shower was too high and small for her to use comfortably. At last, we had an excuse to rip out the old black and white bathroom and replace it with something luxurious and elegant! The...
I want to hire a skip. A big skip. I know you should want to spring clean but I can never be bothered. In autumn, I am motivated. I want a clean cosy home for winter. The clutter has built up and it’s working on my last nerve. The house is filled...
I would hate to be dramatic but there are some things in life that make me a proper grumpy socks. As a friend once said “Tired Fizzy = nowty* Fizzy. Hungry Fizzy = nowty Fizzy.” You can add to the list of things that make me grumpy being...
The weekend is here and I am going to take it slowly. The temptation at the end of a busy week is to fit in as many tasks and chores as you can “to make next week easier”. All our precious time is spent making sure our working time goes...
It’s autumn. I know this as the sky has gone grey, it’s bucketing down, the heating has come on and my mood has brightened considerably. I am built for this season. Anyway, as my thoughts turn to seasonal hibernation I begin the hunt for...
Hi, my name’s Fizzy and I have a Zoopla addiction. I like moving house. I like the sense of satisfaction of creating a new nest. I like the order and control sorting out building work and paint colours gives you. I did not leave home until I was 30 and then...
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