Aug 16, 2017 | Adventures
It’s August, the weather is awful and my Instagram feed is filled with people messing about on flamingo inflatables in pools. Colour me jealous. When I’m having a bad day, I will search on Zoopla for houses with six bedrooms and a pool in the local...
Jul 24, 2017 | Adventures
The wanderlust continues with a trip to Venice booked for next March. I’m already excited but scared that my lack of balance means I will wobble out of a water taxi into a canal making a holy show of myself in the process. So, there’s a plan...
Jul 20, 2017 | Adventures
I loved Barbara Woodhouse as a kid. Even did an impression her at the Brownie talent show when I was 7. Anyway… The thing about having a dog (did I mention I have a dog?!) is that they need walking. Honestly, every day, twice a day Malone wants to go out,...
Jul 15, 2017 | Adventures
There is something to be said for the spontaneous get away. Pack a bag and go. The freedom, the fun, the hell… I’m a quick decision maker but this woman likes plans. With check lists and a spreadsheet. Colour coded appointments shared with all...
Jul 13, 2017 | Adventures
This post should be two posts about a visit to the British Museum to see the Hokusai exhibition and a trip to the V&A for Balenciaga. And that’s when the Universe kicks you up the bum. We were booked, we were excited, we were on the train. We were...
Jul 11, 2017 | Adventures
It’s important to take a break every now and again. Everyone needs to recharge but getting a week or two away means planning, negotiation and cash. Not always possible with jobs, monkeys, dogs. Today is the tiny break to London. There and back in 12...
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