Sep 20, 2017 | Adventures
It’s my beloved husband’s birthday today. We decided a while ago that we don’t want things but adventures together. These adventures can be tiny, like a new dog walk, or big, where we need to get on a plane. His birthday adventure is a trip to...
Sep 17, 2017 | Adventures
Jimmy Malone James is eight months old and in need of chums. He loves being with other dogs but he’s an overexcited puppy and a little too much for some owners and their mutts. On a walk he wants to play with everyone. He does not understand that...
Sep 16, 2017 | Adventures
This was supposed to be a review of a new restaurant that looks beautiful and everyone was talking about because of some heavy duty marketing but I went and the experience was the opposite of fizzy. Slightly upsetting as I am relying on Nora Ephron’s famous...
Aug 27, 2017 | Adventures
Some places have a really calming effect on you. Where I live in Liverpool we have lots of green space and it’s great for dog walking. Before we had the dog there was one space that I loved more than any other. The International Festival Gardens is a five...
Aug 26, 2017 | Adventures
I am in the middle of battling my messy brain. It’s not a battle of wits, it’s a bloody cat fight and my messy brain has been winning. This cannot continue because living in a constant fog with a clawing feeling in your chest isn’t sustainable....
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