If you are a reader, having a slightly too high, bit wobbly, could fall at any moment and scare the dog, to be read pile comes as standard. I pledged to read 50 books in 2018 and at the halfway point I’m ahead of target. 27 books down, 23 to go. I’ve slightly lost focus and now my list of books for the rest of June is starting to give me the twitch.



I’ve agreed to re-read The Lord Of The Rings, the entire thing. I’ve been too rude, too often about Ent poetry and this is what you get. When I read it before, I loved it but if you make jokes about Tolkien’s nerdiness at a book club meeting, this is what happens. I started it again last night. I’m annotating in pencil and I’m already mildly irritated by the preface, notes on the edition and how bloody seriously everyone takes a book about different breeds of fairy. This may prove difficult.



My darling G-Boo gave me Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aciman. She loved it, I want to love, I may read it to get away from the pigging hobbits.



Then there’s Anger by Thich Nhat Hanh. It turns out therapy brings up a well of emotions that can make you quite challenging to live with. Who knew? Apparently, if you give yourself time to feel your actual feelings rather than making them go away by eating cake, life gets easier. Feel your feelings? Sounds tricksy to me but I’m giving it a go.



Obviously, with a husband, a mother, three children, a job, a dog, being in therapy and a social life to maintain I’m not busy enough so we are getting a puppy in two weeks. I like research even though I did all of it with Malone so I’m going to Think Dog by John Fisher and work on my Total Recall by Pippa Mattinson so the puppy doesn’t get an ASBO.



Finally, but not really I want to lose myself in Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier again. It’s dark, it’s creepy, you get to read it with a slightly clipped posh accent playing in your head. Perfect.



I may have bitten off a bit more than I can chew but life is better with books so onwards!




César Viteri