I am very excited. You should be grateful that I’m not typing this with the caps lock on and embedding squeaking noises into this. (Dear Tech Support, is this possible?!) Give me a moment while I get myself together.
OK, I’m good.
Crayola have a make up range!!! Available on Asos, I obviously want it all. I want to draw on my face with crayons. I do not care whether it has staying power, the level of pigmentation or that I will look like an overgrown toddler with impulse control issues and access to a shitload of sugar. Crayons for your face, people!
Life is simply better when you can draw yellow daisies on your face and slick on bright blue mascara and party like it’s 1982. I don’t want subtle, I want joyous and this range delivers giddy squeals when browsing. That’s what I want. Down with sensible, no thank you to tasteful and ladylike can sling it’s hook as well. Let your inner five year old lose with your make up and see what happens. A fiver says it’s more fun than eyelash curlers…