It’s New Years Ever. That time when people want to know what you resolve to do next year. The definition of resolve is “settle or find a solution to (a problem or contentious matter)”. A couple of things strike me about this. First, if you have a problem or contentious matter then you don’t usually hang about until 1st January to get it sorted. You deal with it when you need to.
More importantly, your life is not a problem or contentious matter to be fixed. It’s to be lived, enjoyed and used however you want. This life, the one you have right now while reading this, is it. If you want to debate the universal nature of the soul I am up for that but whatever your beliefs, if there is a next life, you don’t get to replay this one so make the most of it.
I love the clean page, fresh start feeling of a new year but resolutions don’t work for me. Yes, I could lose weight, eat more veg, take up needlepoint, learn a language and travel but I’m not going to enjoy my life if I’m beating myself up by January 15th because I’m still in stretchy pants, mainlining Quality Street, still glued to my phone, swearing in Welsh and not moving from the sofa.
I don’t set resolutions anymore. I do set intentions. On New Years Eve the husband and I talk about how we want to feel in the coming year. Music on, candles burning and a long chat about what has been great about the year and what could be improved. Then we agree what we intend for the next year.
Once you know what you intend to do it makes decisions so much easier. If you intend to spend more time with your friends, you accept more invitations. If your intention is to be healthier you will say yes to long walks and to extra vegetables. Wanting a calmer life means turning things down and just doing what you love.
In 2018 I intend to be more creative, have more fun and fuel fizziness wherever I go.
Wishing you the best 2018 for you and your loved ones.