Take a deep breath. You have made it through Christmas.



You’ve dealt with the preparation, the anticipation, the stress, the people. You’ve done it. You can relax now.



I hope you relaxed during Christmas but as I write this I’m surrounded by stuff, am mentally running through the to-do list and berating myself for forgetting to buy my Mum a card (sorry Mum!). Relaxed I am not.



This year has been an endurance test. The news has been unendingly scary and we are living in uncertain times. Not every person you meet will treat you gently and although I am forty this simple fact is still a shock to me. My messy brain got the better of me earlier in the year and I have had to re-evaluate everything about my life.



This moment, when the world is calming down after the big day, is my treat to myself. My moment to be on my own, breathing and listening to what I want for the new year. I need a period of reflection so I can tell myself the truth about what has worked this year, where I’ve got in my own way and what I need next.



I need a moment of calm. I’m going to take the next few days to disconnect, spend time with the family and the hound but most importantly time by myself so I can have the best 2018.



Wishing you a moment of calm, joy, peace and love for 2018.




George Hiles