The beloved and I went to the Liverpool Print Fair this weekend. Being an arty type wandering around looking at other peoples work and finding out about their process gives the husband the fizzy. I was there in my role as the supportive wife.
Oh, there are some talented people in the world. Glorious people who make wonderous art. I walked about the place gushing at people. Folk art, graphic prints, retro style, lino cuttings. Honestly, I came over all unnecessary. I bought a small print from Hannah Sulek. You need to check out her Instagram. Her work is beautiful and I want all the ceramics she makes.
We bought some Christmas presents so I can’t rave too much in case the recipients see their gifts but the Liverpool Print Fair have links to all the artists.
The thing that inspired me the most is that this is doable. I don’t mean “pass the crayolas, I’m an artist”, these people have a talent that gives me the fizzy but I do not possess. It’s doable because anyone can create, it is not the sole privilege of certain people. Everyone can grab pen, paint, paper and make their mark. If you enjoy it you can take courses, study and progress but you are allowed to play. Remember play? Play is brilliant. Play is dressing up, building things, imagining, colouring in, painting, spatulas covered in glue and glitter, being tangled up in wool and the smell of slightly burnt cakes. As adults we forget about play when we stop having play time and get a lunch hour instead. But play is still allowed and play is necessary. Play brings joy.
So go to your local print and makers fairs. Feel the fizzy from the beautiful things then go home and play because you are human and you deserve beauty, joy and fizziness.