There are some ambitions in life that you hold and nurture for a long time. It could be a desire to climb a mountain, run a marathon, pay homage to the King at Graceland. It is something you carry in your soul.



Then there are the ambitions that hit you quickly and need to be fulfilled. They come out of nowhere and can be a little strange but they must be conquered.



I say this in all seriousness and I do appreciate how silly this sounds. I need to be able to draw chickens. Today I am inspired to create something for a friend and it requires pictures of chickens. I can’t draw chickens. I can’t draw much but thumb dogs and ballet slippers. This means I’ve spent that last hour hollering at the in-house artist (husband) asking him to draw fluffier, girlier chickens. This has involved googling feather dusters and channelling Ma Chicken threatening her brood. This is the stuff you dream of on your wedding day.



The beloved is drawing chickens of all styles and they are brilliant but I want to be able to draw a chicken. Rather than act out lifestyles of the clucky and egg bound I’d like to be able to do it myself.



I’m going to learn to draw chickens. Chickens are my new doodles. I’m going to be the Queen of chicken drawings. I’m all over this chicken stuff.



I am a realist though. Given my lack of talent, I’ll start small. I’m off to sketch some eggs.