The post for today will be different from usual. Today the middlest monkey, Princess Treejump, is going to share the things that make her feel the absolute fizziest.
Princess Treejump has taken the concept of fizziness to the next level. Everything is measured in how fizzy it makes her feel. The fizziest things get the biggest and best pirate smile with a shuffling, groovy dance, tongues out and everything. So this is middlest monkey’s list. Here we go…
- Family. She is growing up with a big extended family. She lives between two houses with two families, a gazillion grandparents, two sisters, a dog, two cats and a load of friends. Family is her jam.
- Climbing trees. You do not get called Princess Treejump for nothing. Middlest is at her best upside, in a tree, giggling like a loon.
- Drawing. I married into a family of artists. Her favourite thing to draw is cats, dogs and other characters.
- Cake. Big fan of cake. And jelly. And cupcakes. And bacon.
- People. She’s a big fan of these too. People get double thumbs from up from Treejump.
- Bouncing. Trampoline parks are her happy place.
- Queen. Her favourite Queen song is Don’t Stop Me Now. Bang on.
- Strictly. Last night she named herself the new Bruno and added points for whatever made her smile.
- Dragons. There are so many dragons in the house there is hardly any room for people.
- Malone. Huge love for the mutt.
- Huggles. She started the daily huggle deliveries three years ago and just keeps going.
- Pombles Pencil Bear. Or her Dad. She loves him.
The fizziness is spreading. So proud!