Do you ever get in your own way? Those little things you do that make your own life harder. The things you do or don’t do that really irritate future you. It can range from pressing the snooze button to leaving things to late. Cramming too many chores into a day that leaves you feeling frazzled and angry. Those things.
For years I have told myself that I have a really good memory. I can quote from films and books, I can remember song lyrics, quote historical facts and I’m a killer at a pub quiz because of the useless knowledge that stays in my brain. That is true.
What I can’t do is juggle all the things I need to do. Today’s list included dog coats, monkey haircuts, writing, price curtain poles, think about ideas for decorating a bedroom. I keep blurting out ideas for all of these things at inopportune moments. I’m also a genius at 2 am. I can fix every issue. I have the best ideas. Can I remember them when it’s time to get up and get on with it? Hell no!
So it’s time to give in and write it down. I’m going to take time to assist future Fizzy by capturing the good ideas when they arise. I’m sure she’ll thank me.