I want to hire a skip. A big skip.
I know you should want to spring clean but I can never be bothered. In autumn, I am motivated. I want a clean cosy home for winter. The clutter has built up and it’s working on my last nerve. The house is filled with books I won’t read again, DVDs that have never been watched and assorted bits and bobs that have been given to us. So it is time for flogging stuff, recycling things, donating and binning.
Following William Morris’ famous instruction to only have what is useful or beautiful in your home, I’m looking about at a lot of stuff that doesn’t fit in either category. There needs to be space for the new season which means things have to go. I am usually pretty ruthless as I’m not sentimental about things but this time, I’m clearing out the cookbooks. Oh, yes. I am that serious about it.
So I may be some time while I am wading through dinosaurs, old fairy lights and books about the cookery of the Agean. Wish me luck.