This is about making the best of a bad situation.
As I write this it is 11 pm the evening before the beloved’s birthday. I am so tired I had to skip dog training class and the husband has to work. We did our usual “you work/I’ll sleep” dance until our house alarm decided to go on the fritz. It took us at least 15 minutes to figure out that it was our alarm, then we discovered we could not turn it off. Besides from being extremely irritating, it’s also antisocial as we live on a street with a load of young families.
The emergency electrician is on the way (yay £140 call out charge three days before payday) and he is going to permanently disconnect the alarm so I can hit it with a brick.
The thing is, the husband is more than a little irritated but I have remained calm. Yes, it’s annoying, expensive and a complete pain in the arse but I have found a sense of stoicism. It’s nothing we can’t deal with, the husband can still work with headphones in and it’s given me the time to remove my makeup, tidy up and write. Ahoy there, silver cloud.
So here I am dealing with a minor domestic incident and I’m fine. This is just something that must be dealt with so there is no point getting all Scarlett O’Hara about it. This is a new thing for me. I like it. Serenity is the new fizzy. I must remember this next time I spill a brew and act like the world is ending.
I’m still going to hit the alarm with a brick though…