You know that thing when you are watching telly and then you overcome with a love for humanity and joy at the wonderfulness of people? Well, that happened on Sunday night watching Shed of the Year. The best things happen when you less expect it.



In the workshop and studio category was Team UnLimbited who using 3D printing to make working prosthetic arms for children who need them. They are completely customisable so no hideous sticking plaster colour arms. This is a labour of love that runs on donations and it is completely and utterly awesome. Children all over the world are benefitting from their work.



None of this is done for profit and all their work is open source shared for non-commercial use. This is about being of service and I am in awe. This is the best use of talent and skill I can think of.



They are in the process of becoming a registered charity but if you can help by donating you should. Think of the smiles you are helping to create.



photo credit: from the Team UnLimbited website. Link above.