I read an essay years ago by Elizabeth Wurtzel that has stayed with me. In it she said that many people are pretty, few are truly beautiful but anyone can be gorgeous as gorgeousness is about the way you see and treat yourself.



I’ve been joining in with Allison Sadler’s Free Up My Insta challenge again and tomorrows prompt is “gorgeous”. What the hell will I post? It could be my makeup bag, that is a bringer of gorgeousness. Give me red lipstick and I’m bloody gorgeous. What about my husband? He’s gorgeous. The dog? Goes without saying. The monkeys? Knockouts.



So far, so good but my friends are gorgeous. All of them. Gorgeous. My Mum? I got it from my mama, people. My home? Gorgeous. The sky as I write this? Inky blue and stormy – gorgeous. Breakfast? Ditto. The feeling of walking into a warm pub later? Yup, you’ve got it. Dinner when I get home? Bingo!



In a world where finding the beauty everywhere can seem like a stretch some days, don’t aim for beautiful, aim for gorgeous. Gorgeousness is created by the meaning and joy you ascribe to things. Go for gorgeous, every single time.



photo credit: Javier Molina