We are a family of advanced daftness. Tonight we mapped out the journey from the top of Peak Tired, down through the Duvet Valley, towards Pillow Mountain with a slight detour to the chamomile water fall and the lemon drizzle caves. I think I’m going to ask the beloved to draw the map for Christmas.



It’s been tough recently. It’s been one thing after another with a sprinkling of drama and a dash of chaos. Coming home and being asked whether it’s against the rules to keep miniature invisible vegetarian vampires in the house (it is) or what my inner peas smell of today (rhubarb) can feel draining.



Today I realised that what feels like a chore is actually a gift. The monkeys are more aware than adults that we shape how we feel by what we think about it. Instead of dwelling on stuff that upsets them they create worlds filled with dragons, unicorns, fadgers (fluffy badgers, obviously) and weasels called Tim who just want to be good. Once I join in with the fadgers and weasels and concentrate on the story, the laughter starts and nothing else matters for a little while.



Here’s to mapping your tiredness, thinking about what your version of inner peace (or peas) is and endless heart lifting story telling.



photo credit: Daniela Rey