Victory is mine! I have just completed two laps of the living room with my winning dance. I deserve cake.


Why? Because Virgin Media decided to stick the price of my bundle up by £3.99 per month and I wasn’t having any of it. After 15 minutes of phone hell and a confused chap offering me a discount price that was more than current bill, a lovely woman crunched some numbers and I’ve reduced my bill by £30 per month. That’s £360 per year. That’s a weekend in Paris including flights. It’s a pair of these fizzy coloured trainers and a pile of hoodies. That’s 31 film tickets.  It’s 15 theatre tickets. It’s a few very nice dinners out. It’s half my summer house!


So I get to do the dance of the righteous and the thrifty. And once I’m finished I’ll have an artisan gin!


photo credit: Japheth Mast