I’ve spent the bank holiday weekend trying to chill out. Trying and failing. There have been dog walks, movies with friends, cleaning and tidying, good talks and despite it all I still feel ratty and anxious.



After watching the dog make friends (Olive the pug and Dotty the mutt) the husband and I relaxed for five minutes. When we finally exhaled after a day of winding ourselves up about all the shoulds on our list my beloved said “it’s like we are looking for something with binoculars and if we’d just put them down we’d find it”. That hit home.



My idea of success is spending time with my husband and the dog whilst wearing trainers. This weekend has been my version of successful but I’ve not felt it because of shoulds. should work more, should tidy up, should sort those emails. Down with should.



The binoculars are down, I’m looking around me and I’m counting the joys. Not too shabby, Fizzy Pixie, not too shabby at all.



photo credit: JC Dela Cuesta