I am a great believer in the transformative power of art. Books, music, theatre and art can make you see who you are, help you define your place in the world and give you a sense of perspective on your life. That’s lovely, but sometimes what you need it to go to the pictures with your friends and laugh until you do yourself a mischief.
Yesterday, my darling G-Boo and I went to see Girl’s Trip. It’s that well-worn tale of old college friends catching up for a weekend and hijinks happening. Although the set up has been done before this felt fresh. Maybe because it was women rather than men, and women rather than girls. And maybe because there was nothing apologetic about it. It was loud, it was crass, it was rude. There was no perfection, just women being women and hilarious.
The last time I laughed that much in a cinema it was Bridesmaids, another film which just wanted to make you laugh. These are films that show the women I know and have friendships I recognise. More importantly, they are films that remind you to do your pelvic floor exercises.