I have said before that I don’t like ice cream. Don’t dislike but not a fan. Apart from Snickers ice cream, Nicholls of Parkgate, A proper 99er with a flake and monkey blood, the ice cream in Sefton Park and that lovely rum and raisin delight I had in Angelsey, I can take it or leave it.


Then I saw this on Kathryn Hendry’s Instagram @the_mother_hen_:



Come on! Apparently, this is a German thing called spaghettieis. Isn’t this fantastic?


The best thing is you can do this at home with a potato ricer. I have done the internet research for you (you are welcome) and this by The Kitchen Maus looks like one of the most informative and useful recipes.


I am very excited by this which means it’s time to rethink my ice cream policy.