It’s Madonna’s birthday. It should be a public holiday.


I have loved Madonna for 35 years. I will love her forever.


She was the best role model to have growing up. She was in control, unapologetic, creative and she’s not nice. Madonna does not give a furry rats knacker whether you like her or not. Hurrah! From her I learnt that I could be whoever I liked, I could change my mind, I could make my own decisions and it did not matter whether anyone else approved. She’s also responsible for black rubber bracelets, fingerless gloves, belly tops and the fact that I know every word from the True Blue album.


She’s still making music, she’s still expressing who she is through her image and she loudly protests when faced with sexism and ageism. This shouldn’t be trail blazing stuff but it is and she is marvellous.


Happy Birthday, Madonna. Thank you for the inspiration and the tunes.