The news at the moment is terrifying. Brexit was a cynical political manoeuvre that is dividing my country, there is an American President who thinks that threatening nuclear war is a game and white supremacists are openly marching in America. None of this is fizzy but it doesn’t feel fizzy to ignore these things when they are giving me such anxiety and I know a lot of people feel the same.
What is fizzy is the hundreds of thousands of people who are speaking out and standing up and making themselves heard. It is important that we stand up and say that this is not acceptable. We do not behave in this way. We are all equal, we all deserve respect and we will protect each other. And let your politicians know that these issues matter to you.
It’s OK to be horrified and confused by these issues but then you need to get up and make sure that you are kind to people, help those who need it, make your voice heard and feel all the joy and love that is out there.
Sara Benincasa on Twitter listed places to donate in Charlottesville that would appreciate the support at the moment. You can find the full list here. If there are people who need support in your community, do it. Whatever cause you care about do something for it now. Be kind to people.
I leave you with this from Oliver Jeffers on Instagram which says it best for me. Sending you the biggest fizzy love: