I know it’s Friday but if you hate your job you can leave on a Friday night already dreading Monday morning.
If so, my sympathies. I have been there and it’s draining. My overly basic advice is leave, if you can. Find something else because life is short. However, I know that we are in uncertain times and having a home, utilities and food are huge driving forces in shutting up and getting on with it.
If this is the case for you I’m not going to give advice. I was about to and then thought if some daft, chirpy bird decided to give me life advice when I was in that situation I’d get punchy.
Instead I’d like to direct you to the Eat Sleep Work Repeat podcast by Bruce Daisley. It deals with work culture and how you can make your working life happier. I find this stuff fascinating and if you work in an office environment you should come away with some ideas on how you can improve your working day. Catch up now as season 2 starts in September.