Lately things have not been fizzy. They have been unfizzy. Flat even.


Something has been not quite right. That was the start of the Fizzy. And with the Fizzy has come ideas. New ideas. Fresh ideas. Ideas like maybe I am a writer. Ideas like maybe you could make things. Ideas like you could live a different way. And I’ve been listening to these ideas.


And these ideas chase out the old ideas. Ideas that say you are stuck, scared and nothing will change.


And now I’m listening to the ideas. So Fizzy HQ is now a hive of activity. The beloved husband is pimping table tennis bats, the mother is crocheting snowflakes and I’m working on our shop. Our shop!


I have no clue why I am doing this but the ideas are strong and the fizzy feelings are growing. I am exhilarated and terrified but I am definitely unstuck and I can define myself in a new way. Let me introduce myself.


Hi, I’m Fizzy, I’m a writer and I am creator of ideas and other fabulous things. I’m pleased to meet you.