There weather is interesting at the moment. Yesterday, the heating came on automatically. It’s August.


It is already time to start thinking about autumn clothes, which is quite nice. I love a floaty dress but I am an autumn/winter woman. Give me tights, a wool frock, biker boots and a duffle coat and I am happy. I admit it’s a strong look. The wardrobe needed some refreshing after I managed to acquire a lot of very dull t-shirts in colours that did not suit me, in a cut that made me look like a lady wrestler.


I wanted something that would look good with jeans, be cheering and that I would get 30 wears* out of. Enter the Sarah Ponte Top from Boden. Doesn’t  it just scream “ta-dah!”? I went for the red. I asked my friend Tom whether I risked looking like Where’s Wally? He confirmed this was only a risk if I wear glasses. As I wear huge glasses with black frames I am at peak Where’s Wally risk. Result!


Here’s to pleasing clothes that put a spring in your step and make you look like a cartoon character.


*As my Mum is reading this I ordered this prior to my spending ban coming into force.