I am a fan of breakfast. Getting everyone round the table for homemade food at the start of the day feels like a good thing.


Today it was pancakes, berry sauce, banana, yoghurt and maple syrup. The pancake is Nigella’s and is so simple. We make the dry mix in bulk so we always have it on hand. We used to buy the dry mix but it’s stupidly expensive for the ingredients and it’s a two minute job to make so the sting of the rip off hurt.


I asked everyone what their favourite thing was. Monkey 3 voted for syrup, naturally. My Mum liked seeing clean plates and everyone getting along. Monkey 2 liked it when I laughed so much I threw my tea over myself. Monkey 1 liked the food. The husband loved the laughter. I love seeing everyone happy. Purest fizzy.


PS photo credit to the husband @mrcargames.