Make Stuff

Make Stuff

I regularly have to give myself breaks from humans and the internet as I pick up on other people’s emotions really easily and it can make me crazy. Website comments sections are particularly hazardous. The snark and negativity can make me sad to my bones. People...
A Trip To The Theatre

A Trip To The Theatre

I love the theatre. From a back stage trip to the Playhouse in the Brownies to playing the milkman in a school production of Blood Brothers I fell for it at a young age. My dreams of being an actress were thwarted due to a fear of heights. Seriously, have you seen...
Bed Socks

Bed Socks

An odd topic for July I know, but this is important.   I am a light sleeper. The beloved twitches, I wake up. The dog farts, I wake up. Somebody sneezes three streets away, I wake up. Months of being ill, plus monkey illness and messy brain has only made things...
Tales Of A Maximilist Minimalist

Tales Of A Maximilist Minimalist

I am a big believer in minimalism. I subscribe to the idea that stuff does not make you happy. That a full calendar distracts from the joy of experiencing the quiet moments of your life. That narrowing things down to the essentials makes life less stressful. With less...