I regularly have to give myself breaks from humans and the internet as I pick up on other people’s emotions really easily and it can make me crazy. Website comments sections are particularly hazardous. The snark and negativity can make me sad to my bones. People delighting in pissing on someone’s parade is guaranteed to send me scurrying away. It’s not just keyboard warriors, we all have the ability to criticise, mock and dwell on the negative. It’s bloody knackering and doesn’t make you feel any better.
I have a cure though. Make something. Don’t like Jay-Z’s latest album? OK, make your own. Think you can make a better sandwich than the local butty shop? Have at it, brave warrior.
I married into a family of creatives. It’s intimidating as hell. They can make jewellery, clothes, cook, draw, illustrate, build websites. My Mum can cook, knit, sew, crochet, write poetry, quill and paint. She’s also handy with a wrench. She’s superwoman. I could feel inadequate and moan or I could get involved.
And ta dah, here is All About The Fizzy. I am in no place to judge the results but the process is awesome.
Make something. Knit a jumper, write a novel, throw a pot, build a flying machine. Do something. Create. Don’t sit on the side lines bitching. Get in the arena and get inspired.