Now, I do not wish to cause any booing or hissing but a child uttering the phrase “and we are having a recital” can cause the heart to sink like few other phrases. You want to be there to see the delight on your child’s face as the show their mastery of a new skill in front of a crowd but you could do without an hour of Ben, Hannah and Tiffin acting the goat, forgetting their lines or going big on bogey removal while on stage.
So it was with some trepidation that I said yes to watching the eldest monkeys at their circus skills performance at The Black-E. This was yet another moment where I was so wrong it was comical. Watching these kids put their all into hula hooping, plate spinning, stilt walking, diabolos, trapeze work and some seriously impressive silk skills was pure fizzy.
Every leap, forward roll, spin and mistake was applauded. The kids were cheering each other on and there was a real feeling of community. The eldest monkeys fizzed with joy and the youngest can’t wait to be old enough to join in.
Now I just need to find the confidence and skill to try it for myself.