This is the tale of two very different parenting styles…


We took board games on holiday. We were wifi-less and prepared. The Cargers were not in the Brownies for nothing.


After Uno, Cluedo (and forever more “White, in the Courtyard, with the rope” will crack us all up.) and an aborted attempted at Charades. We turned to Tension. Two teams trying to guess ten items on a specific category. You have a time limit and you only score if you say exactly what is on the card. Me and the beloved, against the Mothers and the bestie. What could go wrong? The Lady Cargers is a stickler for the rules so my attempt to get “vegetable bean burger” in the Burger King round were eyebrowed with contempt. The Lady James is all about helping her son so was encouraging us with helpful hints. Obviously there may have been a little tension (he he) but watching our Mums fake outrage at each other and then collapsing into howls of laughter was fizzying. Proper fizzying.