Ah, the unnecessary general election. Now, I can go into a pretty major rant about this but given my own rules that I can only focus on the positives in life on this site you’ll have to buy me a gin and tonic and let me step onto my soapbox to hear that one.
So, what’s so fizzy inducing about the outcome of this general election. Well, let me tell you…
First of all, Jeremy Corbyn’s performance was brilliant. I voted for him as leader and then had my hopes crushed as I watched the Labour Party tear itself to bits rather than hold the government to account. I didn’t doubt his sincerity or policies but I did doubt his leadership. He’s played a blinder and I’m interested to see what happens next.
But the fizzy making stuff – oh my Lord – the youth vote! Political engagement in 18-24 year olds. People using their vote for what they believed and making a difference. The figure that’s being quoted is 64% of registered 18-24 year olds voted but that’s yet to be verified but it feels like people are more involved and care about who governs them. I’ve overheard some passionate debates recently; we’ve got a young electorate that want equality at all levels of society and are willing to shout about it and vote for it.
It gives me the serious fizzy.