We’ve just got back from a week in Anglesey. The weather was distinctly British and the monkeys were at their most demanding. It was certainly not an Enid Blyton style romp.


What it was though, was exactly what I needed. The family together, the dog getting used to the craziness, a big house to wander round, days at the beach, late nights, feeding the 5,000 for every meal, Cluedo. All lovely, glorious, fizzy inducing things.


The fizziest thing is feeling unstuck. A week in a new place with people I love has given me just enough of a shake so that I can sense new possibilities. It’s easy to feel stuck and that life is a mortgage paying treadmill but if you can give yourself a little wiggle room you can spot the chinks of light. The idea that you can do something different, live a different way and find new ways to make yourself happy. I get shivers from the joy of what’s around the corner.