You need to hear me out on this.

As step mother to three monkeys keeping them entertained without traumatising them is a fine line. I grew up with male cousins and was forced to watch action and horror movies with them from a young age. It did me no harm…
I don’t want to inflict that on the monkeys but there’s only so much Pixar a woman can stand. I’m always on the hunt for grown up films that will be monkey safe that start them on the path to movie loving.
Enter Charlie’s Angels, yes that one. Yes, the plot is woeful, yes the script is like nails on a blackboard BUT watch it with a 10 year old girl. These are women fighting boys and winning. These are women racing cars and boats. These are women ski diving and saving people. When you are 10 this is awesome! It gives 10 year olds the fizzy and making that happen is the best feeling.
And just think how her mind will be blown when she gets to the good stuff.


PS and the originals were so much cooler…