I’m 12 books into my 50 books in 2018 challenge and I loved this.
Conclave by Robert Harris is the story of skullduggery occurring while electing a new pope. I know that doesn’t sound like the most promising basis for a thriller but this is Robert Harris.
The pope has died and Cardinal Lomeli, who is having a crisis of faith, must oversee the conclave electing the new pope. The Cardinals are jockeying for position and their stances on the future direction of the Catholic church are, shall we say, divergent. It’s fantastically political and petty. It’s also fascinating when looking at Vatican law and process.
I always wanted to do a theology degree. I find the history of religion fascinating and my mind boggles at the way text and habit become doctrine. This book satisfies that nerdy part of me. The path to popehood with the multiple slow paced votes shows just how much lobbying and tactical alignment takes place. It is gripping but this is not Dan Brown. There are no helicopter flying maniacal priests. And although I’m not adverse to helicopter flying maniacal priests in my literature, this book is all the better for it.
I posted this on my Instagram and there is now a waiting list of friends who fancy a read. You can’t get higher praise. So much so that I can crack out my new Fizzy Recommends seal of approval*.
*Yes! The beloved made me a Fizzy Recommends stamp. Overly pleased with this. If I get a real stamp and some ink for Christmas I will squeak with joy.