Now we have a new routine with the monkeys, the beloved and I have every other weekend off. In the last three and a half years we’ve had three weekends off. It’s been brilliant spending that time with the monkeys but time alone has always been something we thought we’d have in a few years. Weekends were not for the likes of us.
The first two weekends were training runs. We felt a bit wobbly and didn’t know what to do with all the time. This weekend, the stabilisers are off! Last night we did telly and a takeaway. Today we’ve taken Malone for a walk, then we took him for breakfast at Bakehouse where he enjoyed lots of fuss. I’m about to bake a cake to take to friends for an afternoon and evening of rugby, wine and stew with wonderful people. Tomorrow, we’ll do breakfast and dog walking before my husband works and I go to play mini golf and stuff myself silly with G-Boo. We’ll end the weekend by curling up with a film and a drink.
There is so much delight in this weekend. I feel so fizzy about all of this. It’s not a fairy tale weekend where the house elves do the housework, there is no mess or chaos and we skip through the time with no cares. The beloved will be working, I’ll be getting jobs done but we are focussing on the good stuff. The delicious things that we get to do. We’ve forgotten to do that. We have been looking at the to-do list, not the get-to-enjoy list.
So here’s to weekends. The working ones, the messy ones, the weekends away, the weekends in bed, the busy ones, the quiet ones, the ones alone, the party ones, the ones outside, the ones in the pub. May you find pleasure in the good stuff this weekend.