It’s our office Christmas party tonight. A time of glittery clothes, cheap booze, acting up in a photo booth and telling the boss what you really think of them. You are facing a hangover tomorrow.



My hangovers are now the thing of legend. The constitution I had at 21, when I would fall in the front door at 3 am and then be up and out again at 10 am are long gone. Now, any more than three drinks on a Friday and I’m useless until Sunday and my hair hurts. Don’t let this happen to you. Save yourself.


A few top tips.



Line Your Stomach



Eating is not cheating. You are not an idiot, you need something to absorb the booze, especially if you are a wine drinker. Eat.



Pick Your Drinks



Clear drinks do less hangover based damage. It is true. Stick to the gin or vodka if you can. And pick your shots wisely. If sambuca makes you gag, don’t do it. Learn from Fizzy. Stick to tequila.



Shots! Shots! Shots!




I interrupt this post to present a plea from everyone you drink with at Christmas. If you do not want to do shots, say no and mean it. Do not be the person who says they hate shots, makes a huge fuss about what shot they do and then makes a huge performance of smelling it, sniffing it, whinging about shots before downing it in a flourish and demanding more. Stop that now. You are in or out. Both are fine.




Heading Home



If you grab a kebab on the way home, and you should, grab a bottle of water too and attempt to drink it.



Home At Last



Drink a pint of water, take two painkillers of your choice and have another glass of water. Go to bed.



The Next Day



Awake? Alive? Good, good. You need two doughnuts and a bottle of Ribena. Done that? Excellent. Now go back to bed. There’s no cure for a hangover but you’ve earned this one. Merry Christmas.






Cris Saur