There are tiny moments in our days when we get to see who we truly are. These can be moments of glory or despair but you are never prepared for them and they always open you up to whatever is next.
I have been struggling for a while with professional motivation. Climbing the corporate ladder no longer holds any appeal and from today I will work four days per week. I still want to do a good job. I’m very good at what I do and take pride in being professional but it feels harder than ever to get into gear. It’s a slog when it has always been easy.
During a moment of procrastination, I was reading the trade press when I saw that people I had worked with some time ago were being praised for their success. There were my ex-colleagues, and drinking buddies, being quoted and recognised for their work. A few years ago, that would have been me. This is the moment when my ego should have had a tantrum. It should have been me! I’m talented! I should be recognised! I want the shiny thing!
The thing is, that it didn’t happen that way. Yes, I’m talented, I would like to be recognised for that and I always want the shiny thing but it shouldn’t have been me. I’m not that person anymore. My monstrous little ego can get itself het up about something else. Instead of being jealous, I got a clear sign that my path has changed. My reaction was “good for them”. I wished them well. I was a cheerleader for their great job.
That was a sign I really needed. When you’ve been doing the same thing for 25 years you need to shake things up but next steps can be tricky and the path isn’t always clear. I have the luxury of being able to take a mini breather each week while I plot my course so I’m going to take my time and make sure my path is right for me.
Whatever your path I hope you enjoy it and I wish you well.