I don’t sleep well. I want to but I shoot myself in the foot. I get so tired that I crawl to bed at 9.30 pm. I have no ritual for getting ready for bed so all the events of the day are still bouncing around my head. Come 2 am I am still sorting through my to-do list and having conversations that I didn’t have the confidence to hold during the day. Sleep is fitful.
To make matters worse, I am a light sleep with really good hearing. Any noise in the house and I’m on high alert. The dog making himself comfy, monkeys doing relay loo trips, street noise, all of it will disturb me. The biggest culprit is our mattress. It is old, still very firm and due to the springs, very noisy. Any movement sets of a spring symphony that has the same result as someone chucking ice water over me.
So we bought a new mattress. I got to do lots of research and we went for a Leesa. It has the best reviews, was the best for our sleeping type and for every ten beds bought one is donated to charity. It is so comfortable that I’ve been drifting off without a problem. There are no noisy springs to wake me up. It’s snuggly, supportive and peaceful.
I just need to work on not having imaginary chats in the wee small hours and I may get a full nights sleep soon.