My darling Gwen has just become a homeowner. It’s been a long process complicated by a difficult sitting tenant but she’d done it. Let’s crack open the fizz!



We were talking about what she wanted to do with the house to make it her own. She’s in the planning stage and has a blank canvas to play with. She’s started removing artex, a job I would never tackle. I am great at hiring people but not at DIY. Gwen said that when her home is finished she wants the satisfaction of looking around knowing that her blood, sweat and tears have created everything. This is a new idea to me. In my rush to get things sorted, I am missing out on the joy of the process. It may be a sweaty, achy, blister creating joy, but it is a joy. Doing it yourself gives you a sense of achievement that does not come with texting a decorator.



I’m inspired. In spring we (sorry beloved and Mum, it takes three) will be repainting the staircase. That means sanding, masking tape, tea breaks, days of mess and paint on the dog but it’ll be worth it. If not I’ll be calling Neal the decorator and blaming Gwen!