This was supposed to be a review of a new restaurant that looks beautiful and everyone was talking about because of some heavy duty marketing but I went and the experience was the opposite of fizzy. Slightly upsetting as I am relying on Nora Ephron’s famous quote that “everything is copy” at the moment. The rules of the Fizzy mean I can’t rant and it would be unfair to as it could be teething problems and everyone deserves a second chance.
What I can write about and what does give me the fizzy is the joy of having friends that you can share these experiences with and still laugh. Today we chatted about the stuff that was getting to us, the eyebrow-raising moments, the stuff we had planned and celebrated what was going well and there is a lot to appreciate. Despite some restaurant planning issues, service hiccups and working out that the restaurant simply wasn’t our taste, we laughed through all of it.
So my positives only review of my lunch today? The place was pretty and the company was brilliant. Cheers, Wolfie!