I have a theory that the happiest people know exactly what to do with an afternoon to themselves.
I’ve had a few hours to myself this afternoon and all I have done is stress about how to spend them. Rather than enjoy the luxury of some precious time with nothing to do, I’ve got myself into a right tizzy about what to do. The thing is most of the list of things to do was not fun. This was not a list of squirrel spotting and cream cake testing. This was a list of cleaning, work and self-flagellation. Not sure where I picked up with miserable Puritanical work ethic but I’m putting it down somewhere safe and running in the opposite direction.
All this stressing lead to a nap (10 Fizzy house points) and inhaling a bag of wine gums (lose 10 Fizzy house points) which has not increased my feeling of general well being. To make it up to myself tonight it is Strictly with the monkeys, walk the mutt and curling up with the beloved to watch a film without turning my brain to mush with coulda, shoulda, wouldas. Wish me luck.
photo credit: Victoria Kurtovich