Are you busy? Rushed off your feet? Haven’t got a moment to yourself? Unravelling as we speak? Yeah, me too!!
I have a husband, three step monkeys, a mum, a dog, a career, friends and a social life. I have a house to maintain and a mortgage to pay. There’s no time! So busy, so stressed, so fed up with my own bullshit. Whatever stories we tell ourselves about what we must do, once you are an adult you really are responsible for designing your own life. And, I’ve been designing a rubbish one.
I’m on the road to something better and fizzier, hence the creation of the Fizzy, but one book that really helped was I Know How She Does It by Laura Vanderkam. Based on analysis of how successful woman actually spend their time the message is simple: you have more time than you think. There are 168 hours in a week. After you take out the things you have to do you will have time left. I can hear some of you arguing with me but you know it’s true. Once you look at the time you have in week, rather than a day, you have more space to plan and work out what you want to do. Do you want to spend your time messing about on your phone or cooking, gardening, working on your novel or building your own one woman submarine?
Being honest about how you spend your time and what your priorities are can free up so much head space. But full disclosure is required here. It’s 9.35pm, I haven’t got changed from work, I haven’t done the housework and I haven’t tried on my new clothes. I’m writing this while trying to have a deep and meaningful with the husband and play with the dog who is having his zoomy half hour. Nobody’s perfect but at least I can see a better path to wander down.