Accidental Adventures In Vegetarianism

Accidental Adventures In Vegetarianism

When I met the beloved he was vegetarian. He was living in a vegan commune at the time and we joke that I tempted him into marrying me through a killer combination of hot water, fluffy towels and bacon butties. I strongly suspect that as The Untouchables teaches us -...

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Childish Tastes

Childish Tastes

I like food. I spend a lot of time thinking about it, love eating it and will ask unsettlingly detailed questions about what you have tea. Tell me about a new restaurant and I will be there. I am always good for a recommendation and I usually have to apologise as I...

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Rescue Cake

Rescue Cake

Making cake is a delicate art. This is what happens when a non-delicate person does it.

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Christmas Treats

Christmas Treats

Oh Christmas! Yes, it's all about mince pies and stollen but really chocolate is where it's at.     Every year we destroy a mountain of Ferrero Rocher. It never happens at any other time of year. Other once a year treats include After Eights which only leads...

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